I have white garden doves. One went missing four weeks age...?
2006-11-19 11:39:21 UTC
I have found her roosting in a farm barn a few minutes walk from the dovecot. It would be difficult to catch her and bring her home, but why has she gone off like that. There are other feral doves around - i see them sometimes. Do you think she has joined in with them? Do you think she will come back ever? Serious answers please.
Six answers:
2006-11-19 11:41:48 UTC
She has probably decided to join them. Just give her time, she knows where home is, and if the feral life isn't what she expected, she'll probably come back around.
2006-11-19 21:15:29 UTC
It could very well be a preditor has disrupted the Cote, this will cause your Doves to feel a sense of un-safe, then hiding, your dove has found new friends and very well may stay there with them.

You mention Doves, are these actual white Doves or White Pigeons, I ask this because for the most part Pigeons and Doves do not fair well together, although there are from the same family Doves & Pigeons don't get along by nature.

I am a keeper of many birds here, Pigeons, Doves, Exotics as I am a Rescue & Rehab person, my Pigeons attack my Doves when they can so I keep them seperated.

You can bring your dove home, you will need 2 cages, one small to put one of your other doves into, then place that cage and dove into a larger cage and leave the door open on the larger cage, soon the dove should go down and will go into the cage to be with the other dove, then all you would need to do is close the door and bring both back to the Cote.

Good Luck, maybe you could come over and join my group, go to yahoo, click on groups and type in Pigeon World in the search box and join my group dedicated to helping the Pigeon/Dove.

Take Care.

scotty lad
2006-11-19 19:47:30 UTC
I'm afraid it sounds very much like your dove has decided to join the feral pigeons, however by some stroke of luck she does come back and survives the wild preditors, you will need to quarantine it for a short time from your other birds as it could be carrying mite or other infections to pass to the others
2006-11-19 21:00:54 UTC
i think your loverly dove has joined the rejects. she may just have some battered reject guy dove she fel in love with, and flew the coop. she may or may not come back. i lost my cockatiel, and for four months we heard nothing. then one day we get a phone call, and some people had found him. if you hand raised your doves, they might be used to human company, and fly into someone's back yard. then they might let them catch her. i hop she comes back 2 u
2006-11-19 20:12:14 UTC
I think that he has joined the flock i hope he comes back 2 u
2006-11-20 00:32:34 UTC
Yes i think she will come back! i suggest putting a cage outside with food in it and maybe she will come back for warmth and comfort. i have a conyer and she is always inside she loves the house.

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