how can i make a scarlet macaw?
2006-02-26 11:22:55 UTC
a bird, for a project, need help on to make it
Five answers:
2006-02-26 17:02:58 UTC
This is a more complicated answer than the others, but for a base you could find either those molded paper shapes that are sold in craft stores -- you won't find one of a macaw, but you might find one of a bird -- or make a wire frame. Don't forget the claws.

Use paper mache or air-drying clay (check ceramic supply) to sculpt the body of the bird.

Feathers: cut felt feather-shaped. Fold in half lengthwise and stitch close to fold. You will be able to get all your feather shapes this way -- long slim tail feathers, shorter flight feathers for wings.

I used to do costumes for stage and museum displays, and did a soft sculpture owl for Merlin using felt with felt feathers, gold glass globs (like you can buy at craft stores next to vases) for eyes, and wired wings with felt feathers that could be spread out and shaped.

Whichever medium you use, good luck with your project.
2006-02-27 00:50:38 UTC
go to a good craft store.. they have feathers of all shapes and sizes for sale. If not, get about 5 feather dusters and take the feathers out of those. Get some dye and use the appropriate colours. Use other things like above mentioned paper will look great!!
2006-02-26 19:26:11 UTC
You can't make a living creature. You know, since you're not God at all...

I mean maybe if you're a scientist working on your doctorate and you're into cloning you could, but this is really the wrong place to ask, since I don't think anyone here could tell you the ins and outs of manipulating the genetic material of animals...
Boober Fraggle
2006-03-02 18:59:19 UTC
Go out and catch a pigeon and dye it with red food coloring
2006-02-26 21:18:26 UTC
try papier mache

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