to attract chickadees to you, you only need a bird feeder( link included below) with standard issue wild bird seed. refill the feeder twice daily or when needed. birds are usually more active during dawn and dusk and the middle of the day. these are the best times to feed them. also throw in some shelled peanuts and sunflower seeds as special treats. make sure they are unseasoned and unsalted. it could hurt them otherwise. and be patient, it takes time for the birds to notice the food source you put out
I think finches and sparrows, and especially common starlings would tame just about as well as chickadee. (common starlings can learn to speak like parrots (link below).
what happens after its tamed I guess is up to you.
I know this site gives instructions for taming budgies but these steps can be used for pretty much any type of bird.