I have to release my parakeet before march?
Joey Crawford is love
2008-01-27 18:55:08 UTC
We are going to Alaska as usual(for 3 months)
I have a gerbil and a parakeet. I am allowed to have a friend watch one pet, but I have to raise the money. But, I have to release one pet. My mom wanted me to release both. But we made a deal and I just have to release one. Its the parakeet. I found a nice location and I will make it as nice as possible. I am gonna put shelter, a huge thing of water, and dump a ton of food there. I MUST release him b4 march. Whats the best month? I want the snow to be gone. Where I live it gets 80 to 100 degrees during summer.

Help? Tips?

PS I have to release him. No choice
24 answers:
2008-01-28 06:10:48 UTC
If you release him, he will die. Period. Give him to somebody.
2008-01-27 19:08:14 UTC
How old are you? If you can raise the money then find someone to watch it. How can your mother say no if you are paying for it? I don't understand how your mother can basically tell you to throw an animal away. I think the gerbil has a better chance surviving on its own than the parakeet. Seriously, what city and state are you located in? You are completely wrong in saying no one would want him. Someone who is good with birds could train him, he's probably never been trained or been trained appropriately. I would take him even if all he did was stay in his cage. Someone will take him trust me. This is animal cruelty. Your mother needs to get on here and read these comments. He will die if you release him into the wild. Find a pet store that will take him, or ask around. Most pet stores are willing to take birds as long as they look healthy and have their own cage. There are alternatives to releasing him into the wild. I repreat he will die. Please let your mother know this. It is cruel to release an animal into the wild when it will not survive. Why did you buy these animals if you knew you were going on this trip? You knew because you said "as usual." I am not trying to be mean, just don't buy animals if you cannot keep them, it's cruel. It's different if it is due to medical or financial reasons, but not summer vacation. Check around there maybe a bird rescue close by. Where are you located? Maybe I can help.
2008-01-27 22:23:09 UTC
As has been said by the others.. it is not only immoral.. it is also illegal in most places to do what you are saying.. There is PLENTY of time before march to find a home for the bird.. YOU HAVE A CHOICE.. no matter how many times you repeat the saying that you do not..

There is no way a domesticated bird will be able to live in the wild.. especially as it is not a native species.. You have a little over a month.. that is plenty of time.. Give the bird away... be it to another home or to a shelter.. you are online to ask this.. so look online for local shelters that may help you.. (and explain that if you cannot find a place for it your mother will force you to release it to die horribly..)
2008-01-27 20:30:33 UTC
Try the local animal shelter- they will be able to take him off your hands. If he is "vicious" (and I've never, ever met a "vicious bird" that couldn't be rehabilitated) they will humanely put him down instead of him dying of exposure, predation or starvation when you release him. Often, they will bring in a bird specialist (I've been called quite a bit for the shelter in my area) to train your parakeet into being a good pet, and hopefully find him a loving, permanent home. Trust me- this is a far, far better senario then releasing your bird!

Releasing exotic animals into the wild is illegal and immoral. There are a hundred reasons why, well-outlined in the answers above. Giving him to an animal shelter or other rescue orginization is a better alternative. They will take him for free, without any cost to you, and may even be able to provide a cage if you cannot give up his cage with him.
2008-01-27 19:11:00 UTC
Releasing your bird is basically sealing his fate, it will die. Other animals will eat his food, use his shelter and drink his water, it's not guaranteed that he will get it. This is a pet bird, used to human companionship, being given it's meals, there is absolutely no way it will survive in the wild. Why don't you explain to your mother how cruel this will be to the bird. There are plenty of better options out there like asking your friend to look after the bird for free, I mean, if thier really your friend they'll understand or tell them you will pay for it a little at a time. A pet is a lifetime commitment and can't just be released when you go on vacation. Give him to a person that you know and trust that will take care of him for the rest of his life. Even take him to a shelter where he can find a home with someone who wants a cute little budgie. Also, there is no way that a budgie will survive in those temperatures. That's way to hot because he is used to the same temp year round and not having to compete for food. Your bird will die if you release him. Take him to a shelter. You can probably drop him off for free and they will find him a good home. Let your mom know that by choosing to allow you to have these animals, she also chose to hlp care for them thier whole lives and by releasing him, you are not fulfilling that commitment. There are other choices, tell your mom you released and give him to a friend, that way, you can still see your friend and he wont be killed or die.

Trust me, there are other options your just being lazy. Why can't you sell him? WHy does he attack humans? Did you know that there are bird rehibilatators out there who can fix those problems? If you knew that this was going to happen, why did you buy the bird in the first place? Where are you located? Maybe I could take the bir doff your hands, just so he won't die the terrible death your going to give him. And trust me there are people out there who would be willing to take him, even though he, as you say, attack poeple? (even though that's your own fault for not properly socializing your bird)
2008-01-27 21:37:51 UTC
YOUR MOM IS SO IMATURE AND IRRESPONSIBLE! (I'm suprised that when you were a baby and inconvienient she didn't just "release" you into the wild) ~ YOU MADE A LIFETIME COMMITIMENT TO AN ANIMAL THAT YOU NEED TO STICK BY.... YOU NEED TO FIND HIM A NEW HOME AND DON'T LET HIM GO!!! HE WILL DIE! You do have a choice, you can find a bird sanctuary that will take him for free and he will have a nice life with other birds... Or take him to your local shelter and they will take him. This is one of the cruelest things I have ever heard. Have some responsibility for your actions and do the right thing!!! Your budgie has never had to survive in the wild and has never had to forage before.... Think about it.

~Oh and please do the world a favor and NEVER EVER GET ANOTHER PET!!! If you can't even be responsible or caring enough to take care of this pet then you will never be able to care for other pets...... YOUR MOM NEEDS TO LEARN SOME RESPONSIBITY ALSO!!!

I hate people that can just disregaurd and through their pets out like old toys..... IT IS A LIVING THING!
2008-01-27 19:42:55 UTC
In the US, it is actually illegal to intentionally release a domestic pet into the wild. They can compete with native species for food and resources; they can (in some cases) interbreed with domestic species, hybridizing the native population (although a parakeet could not do this); and they can intriduce disease into the native population.

Tell your mom you have to sell the bird or give it away or take it to a shelter/rescue, but you can NOT release it into the wild.

Besides, it is cruel to release a pet into the wild - they do not have the necessary instinct to survive, find food and avoid predators.
2008-01-27 19:01:49 UTC
Poor little bird. How do you think this parakeet is going to survive in the wild? What's it going to do when the water and food you left runs out? If you aren't going to find someone to properly care for it while you're gone, give it to a pet shop or ask them to find someone to take it for you. Don't just throw it out on its own. How irresponsible! If I knew where you lived I'd even take it just so it won't die out there all alone. Put an ad in the paper, you can always get the person who takes it to pay for the ad.

And I hope you don't get any more pets, if all you can think of to do with it is put it outdoors! And your Mom deserves a kick in the butt too! Yes, you DO have a choice. No, you don't "HAVE to release him." How would you feel if someone did that to YOU? There are many alternatives to what you want to do, stop being so selfish and think of the little bird, instead of just finding the most convenient resolution for YOURSELF.

If you release this bird, GOD WILL SEE YOU. And the only reason you think we are not helping is that you aren't hearing that it's okay to be cruel to one of God's creatures!
2008-01-27 19:09:24 UTC
Oh so sad for your parakeet. Why can't you give him away to someone? I am sure someone would love to have him. You didn't say how cool it is in your area in March, but he probably won't live long outside. These birds live together in the wild. He will be all alone. Please don't release the little guy outside. That is just cruel and I would say you do have a choice. Drop him off at a local senior's home - they would love to have him.
2008-01-27 19:05:23 UTC
Hmm, the best month to release your little birdy? How about there is no best month....

Why do you have to release your domesticated bird into the wild so that it will die?

Are you (and your mom) really that heartless?

Why can't you sell it to someone who wants a bird for a pet?

Why can't you give it to someone who wants a bird for a pet?

Why can't you take it to a local animal shelter?

Why did you even get pets if your mom didn't want you to have them and hence wouldn't allow you to take care of them and keep them?
2008-01-28 08:04:09 UTC
Either you are really cruel and inhumane or just dumb. There is the fact that Parakeets are a warm climate bird- they need it to be warm all year llong and not just for a couple of months. If you are not willing to find this bird a home ( being cared for by humans and not left to freeze to death in the cold) then you should own any animals.
2008-01-27 19:53:06 UTC
I don't know how old you are - it sounds as though you are young"ish" so I won't be so harsh. There are options, but you can't release him or he will certainly die. Call a friend & ask if their Mom will bring him to the Humane Society. Write me - I will try to find a Parrot Rescue in your area that will come & get him. I don't know the situation, but maybe you could have your Mom read all this so she could understand. We take helpless pets into our lives so it is then our responsibilty to take care of them - not dispose of them when it isn't convenient. Please learn from this & don't get any more pets until you are in charge of your life & are in a stable home & financially can care for it. Please let me know if I can point you in the right direction.
K-9 Lover
2008-01-28 05:35:01 UTC
Hey don't throw your bird away he will die a predator will get him, he will be scared If you do something like that you should be charge for amimal cruelty, they are free classifieds adds all over the world they are people looling to adopt a free bird everyday .You do have a choice make the right one.

Owner of an Alexandrine Parrot
2008-01-27 21:42:27 UTC
As many others have said - this is animal cruelty. It's called 'abandonment' and it's actually against the law.

Call your local animal shelter and tell them your situation. There's a good chance they will even come and pick him up since you apparantly have no other alternatives.

And for future reference; don't get any more pets until you're able to make a lifetime committment to them.
2008-01-27 19:02:16 UTC
You just need to get your mom to drive you to the animal shelter and leave him there. I'm sure someone else would just love to have a little bird. Try putting "free" posters around your neighbourhood. Captive animals will die in the wild.

Even if he attacks humans there are sanctuary's and petting zoos that will take the bird.
2008-01-27 19:44:25 UTC
In Australia it is against the law to release domestic animals or pets into the wild, its cruel, heartless, & you will be a murderer, give him to a bird lover or a pet shop, release him to a home of understanding.

Your parents are not very clever are they!
2008-01-27 20:12:54 UTC
the answer to your question is that there is no best month to release your domestic pet into the wild. because it is hugely mean and irresponsible. it sounds like it was very irresponsible for your parents to buy the bird for you in the first place.

i'll take your parakeet and give him a good and loving home. i.m. me.
2008-01-27 19:06:04 UTC
Your bird will not survive in the wild, he doesn't know how to fly down from a tree branch, or how to find food and is likely to become prey to another larger bird.

Place an ad in the free/give away section of your local newspaper and place a free ad on

In your own or city - on the left side you can find this.

Place the ad now so you can be picky about who you give him to. If cage is included, then ask $10.
2008-01-27 21:45:57 UTC
call a rescue place right now they will come and get the parakeet if you turn that parakeet loose it will die please email me i can help you and get some one close by to pick it up please dont turn it out in the wild give a rescue place a chance they can help where you at exactly so i can get in touch with some one , ill take him even if you say hes mean i work with alot of rehomed birds and im not afraid of a little tiny parakeet beside i have 16 parakeets now , ill even pay for him to be shipped if need be but please contact a rescue i can give you tons of them that would come and get it no charge to you
2008-01-27 19:18:06 UTC
why would u even consider releasing an exotic bird into a habitat its not supposed to live in sell him give him away but u definetly should not release him unless u whant him to suffer a horrible death give him to a shelter atleast hell ill take him if ur gonna release him [last sentence was sarcastic i dont actually want it]
carla j
2008-01-28 19:01:54 UTC
Releasing your keet would be cruel and abusive....advertise for someone to adopt it. I have just rehomed a keet here who surely would have been eaten by a predator if left outside. where are you? Any keet lover would take your keet. What kind of parents suggest releasing a captive bred bird...
2008-01-27 18:59:39 UTC
He will totally die. Put an ad in the paper and give him away. Or call local vets. But don't do this to him, he will definitely perish. There are many people who would love to have him.
Katie & Eric
2008-01-27 19:34:14 UTC
Why cant you take him to a shelter? What your mother proposes is not only IMMORAL but also ILLEGAL !!! If your family can afford to spend the summer here, then you can afford a nominal fee to the spca to take them there. TRY A LOCAL BIRD CLUB. They usually have an adoption program. They may even wave any fees(if they have any. Take them to a pet store.
2008-01-27 19:21:34 UTC
if you are going to release him, you are an ugly lesbo. This can offset the ecosystem. The world would be better off without idiots like you. The animal WILL die. you might as well kill it, it would be better off anyways. i will take it and save it. If you were going to release it why the hell hell hell hell would you get it in the 1st place? Take it to the pet store where you got it.

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