?My Bird Does Somersaults is this bad?
2006-04-03 17:03:38 UTC
Hi i have a cokatiel and it does sumersaults this is kinda weird is it bad???????
Twelve answers:
2006-04-03 17:09:31 UTC
Actually, it is probably coming up with tricks on its own to get your attention! It is perfectly normal behavior, but uncommonly intelligent technique. You have a smart bird there. Encourage it when it does this, and try to get it to do other tricks!
2006-04-04 06:41:26 UTC
This is just him having fun! A freind of mine had a cockatoo that hung unto a broomstick and loved to be twirled around. Sweeping is never a dull chore around his house.

One of my tiels has fun haning from the top of her cage and tries to push anything off that is on it. It's a game of her making. She will fly to me and land on my shoulder and peck at me until I pick the item (usually a pencil or a stick) and put it back up there to push off again. You should hear how mad she gets when she is in her cage and can't get to me to pick the pencil up!
2006-04-04 00:21:37 UTC
It sounds to me like you have a very very happy bird! This is not a bad thing!
2006-04-04 00:06:25 UTC
Perfectly fine, but circus animal???

Sounds like a cool bird.
2006-04-04 00:44:26 UTC
I used to raise parakeets and I thought they did it to get my attention - or when they were showing off . Birds are smarter than ya think ! And no there is nothing wrong with it .
2006-04-04 00:13:45 UTC
Round the perch? My budgie used to do that. He lived to be about 10. I think he thought it was fun! Cockatiels are actve wee birds, I think he's just enjoying himself!!!
2006-04-04 00:14:04 UTC
sounds like a kool bird... here is a link for a forum that deals specifically with birds... they may be better qualified to answer your questions about your bird. i don't believe you have anything to worry about with your bird doing somersaults, it'd pretty kool a trick if you ask me.
2006-04-04 14:01:48 UTC
You have one very happy bird, do you have any toys in his cage to play with too? I wouldnt worry about his clown tricks.


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2006-04-04 00:06:04 UTC
LOL...nice, sell it to the circus. JK. It's just doing a mating ritual.
2006-04-04 00:10:49 UTC
Thats tight!
2006-04-04 00:07:29 UTC
no, this is not bad, they all do some crazy things, my friend has one that hangs upside down to eat and it sure looks stupid, they are just different.
R Paige
2006-04-04 00:04:20 UTC
Is that even really possible? That must look weird.

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