DO not help them hatch....
IF you found them in anest they were probably not abandoned and you should put the babies back once they hatch and see if momma returns..go out of sight and watch..
IF not then call a wildlife rescue....
Killdeer migrate .. need special care.
They are going to be somewhat feathered and ready to run shortly after birth. They are more like ducklings that way . they arenot orn blind or naked like a robin.
Shortly after hatching the mom killdeer will take them of the nest and into tall grass.....
killdeer do not lay eegs anywhere but in a nest and so you must have found them in a nest... and mom is probably looking for them BUT if she feels they are gone may have left the area now.
The best shot they have is with the mom or a trained rehabber.
Killdeer eat bugs.. live bugs insects... also small shrimp and other crustaceans.. and occasionally berries...
The babies will die... without food and moms care..
you say emergency killdeer eggs but if ya found them 2 days ago then you already knew...
moms usally lay 4 eggs so if you have 2 then maybe she is stilla round with other babies.. check it out
in the future dont pick up baby bird eggs....
If you need more help post on our webpage in the comments form...
also you can call your DNR and any wildlife rescue or avian rescue across teh USA and even if they are not near you they can tell you what to do short term to help thema nd also give you info on who to contact near you that can take them and get them ready to fly.
Good Luck