Your funniest bird story?
2006-01-11 23:22:32 UTC
For those of you who own a pet bird, what's your funniest story?
Five answers:
2006-01-12 00:19:53 UTC
It wasn't my bird, but a B&B that I go to in Bend, Oregon... Had this bird on their property, and for a couple of years in spring he would sit on their porch railing and dance, and sing, and preen and flirt with himself in the window. They tried everything to get him to go away... But he became a celebrity and all the guests that visited just loved watching him, because he truly was in love, and didn't realize it was himself. If you think about it , it really is a sad story.... he never got his true love.. himself.
2006-01-12 00:27:18 UTC
I have a white eyed conure, who learned how to say com'ere (come here). I also have 2 great danes. One of the danes was wandering around the house one day and the bird starts saying, "com'ere, com'ere". So the dane goes over to the cage, bird reaches down like she is going to give her a kiss and grabs a nice big chunk of doggie nose instead. Needless to say, the dog doesnt go over to the cage any more when the bird says com'ere.
2016-03-27 02:11:22 UTC
My bird sometimes wolf whistles randomly to me, and says pretty bird while bowing to me. A true gentleman! :P Sometimes he'll just be looking at me and I'll be looking at hi and he stands up funny. It's hard to explain. He kind of curves his neck and raises his head up, and stands up, so to speak. Also...when I was younger, a sparrow managed to fly into my house(this was before I was hopelessly obsessed with birds :P). It flew into a room, and I closed the door so it couldn't go to other parts of the house so we could catch it more easily. cat(now deceased, RIP) happened to be in the SAME room! She chased the poor thing around, while the poor little sparrow flew around by the mirror. And I just stood back and laughed! Sadly. My dad came in after maybe half a minute with a towel, and captured the bird and released it outside. Calvin also bows to me, and stretches his wings whenever I enter the room.
2006-01-16 11:53:19 UTC
I got in trouble for haveing birdseedm 10 feet away from the birdcage and my mom thought it was me who just...well....i guess threw it over to the other side of the room.after that I went to the yahoo search bar and typed in "how far can a cockateil though seed?"well then I went to a site and they told me that "I think al birds have seed throwing contests to see who can get the seeds farthest!!!"
2006-01-13 22:49:45 UTC
my little love bird did something stupid in my room and I haad my sunconure on my shoulder and I said to Bert(sunconure) :point and laugh!" and he was laughing just as hard as i was!!heehee

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