how do birds handle extreme cold weather?
2006-02-11 09:42:59 UTC
how do birds handle extreme cold weather?
Two answers:
2006-02-11 10:07:15 UTC
Birds have down under the feathers that helps insulate them from cold. Their poor little feet aren't protected. That's why you'll see them huddled on power lines, fluffed out, trying to keep their claws warm.

They need lots of extra fatty food to stay warm. Birds have very high metabolisms. Simple ways to help them are to hang suet in feeders in trees. Also cored apples stuffed with peanut butter and raisins.

If you have a bird bath, keep the water changed. If it freezes over, bring warm tap water and pour it over the frozen to melt and heat it.

Straw left out for them will help build an insulated nest.

You will still find birds that have frozen to death.
2006-02-11 17:48:25 UTC
Fly south for the winter.

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