Back about 12 years ago, when I still lived with my parents, we had an old planter with a hood that was once a mini-greenhouse for one of my science projects. I built it out of an old vinyl table cloth and tire spokes from an old bicycle. I was planning on trying to use it again, but my plans were flushed when I found a robin nest in it. It was close to the front door, and it was odd due to the fact it was within reach of both the cat and the dog and within sight of foot traffic from the driveway to the front door.
We set up a hanging bird feeder on the other side of the porch and put a bird bath in the middle of the yard. Every couple of days we would throw a piece of bread into the feeder.
Miraculously, the whole season the pair nested there, and the animals never touched them. Three baby robins were brought into the world that first year- I am the second of six kids, and it was a great way to show the miracle of life, and we never interfered.
Every day we would check on them, and it was so great that the pair stayed, and had continued to come back for five years, and 13 robins came from that nest. We assumed it was the same pair. We kept our distance, and they enjoyed the exploitation of humans :)
I guess that sparked my interest in birds.