you cannot scare a killer bird away.
they have no fear and in my area they even attacked a kid by swwoping down and grabbing at her head.. the sizes of these redtails are postively enormous, imagine how many woodpeckers, chickadees and wild ducks they kill to propagate and produce more killer birds that infest another few miles of the entire USA and so on and so on.
of course the end result of what caused this wildbird extinction (releasing killer birds in cities decades ago) IS dramatic bird losses..
........ where I reside there were so many birds, and these were not just english sparrows or pigeons. We had hundreds of crows, so much chatter with bluejays, chicadees and juncos, woodpeckers of all sizes, those charming house finches, and even bluebirds seen in the fall in groupings. The songsparrows,, and scores of cardinals.......these are ALL gone now, and in their place today in the sky and tree I see hawks and falcons. And large black hawks, not just nearby but circling over all the towns the smaller falcons sitting on light posts along parkways.
YOU are not alone in recognizing the danger to your birds so you can defend them by caging them or they WILL be dead. think about it, soon the migration of birds begins, then just as last year the predator birds will be killing orioles once more as I witnessed last year (the one oriole family in a nearby parkland)
unfortunately for all others seeing the desolation in OUR parklands and backyards, it is too late to reverse the extinctions in progress. BUT protect the killer birds????????????????????????