can someone plz help this hawk keeps on coming to my backyard how do i get rid of it?
2011-02-17 18:43:29 UTC
i release my chickens and my duck everyday and im afraid the hawk comes and kills them. it doesnt always come but im afraid it comes back again. luckily i was there when the hawk came and i had to put my chickens and duck back in their cage so they are fine. and i want to know how to get rid of it like to scare it away so it doesnt come back so i can release my chickens and duck.
Seven answers:
2011-02-18 03:21:33 UTC
If your birds are not penned in then you are inviting trouble. I found a method(by accident) that disturbed a Hawk that used to visit my garden I was given an large old mirror and just put it near the coop to reflect the sun on to the coop,the Hawk saw this and for what reason it never came back.

Whether it was it's own reflection or the light reflecting I guess I will never know but it worked.

You could try a sheet of Aluminum Foil(cooking foil )it reflects very well

2011-02-17 19:36:41 UTC
If you are offering a free easy meal..the hawk will just keep coming back. You need to have a wildlife proof coop or just about any animal can get to your chickens and ducks. It is YOUR responsibility to keep them safe. If you are not willing to loose some to the hawk then don't let them run loose. You can build something large enogh for them to run around and still be safe from wildlife and domesticated animals. Also, keep in mind, hawks are protected by law and you cannot harm or harass them in any way.
2016-10-15 13:26:22 UTC
Why are your rabbits not in a flowers and fauna evidence pen? in the event that they're unfastened-roaming than very nearly any animal can get to them inclusive of raccoons, coyotes, bobcats, foxes, and kin cats and canines. it is your accountability to maintain YOUR pets risk-free. while you're offering a unfastened effortless meal to flowers and fauna and kin animals...of path they are going to come again and take it! Hawks are part of nature and belong in it..they're secure via regulation besides. Harming or killing a hawk can get you fined or sent to reformatory. Sorry, yet you could not alter nature because of the fact it inconveiniences you. if your rabbits are risk-free in cages..the hawk will quickly comprehend that there is not something there for it to consume and depart. you additionally can cling CDs or pie pans on stings around the backyard the place the rabbits are as birds do unlike action. while those swing and sway interior the wind, it may desire to deter them from entering your backyard. the final guess although is to maintain the rabbits the place flowers and fauna can not get to them.
Spaniel ♥
2011-02-17 18:46:26 UTC
Sounds like you need a coop to keep your ducks and chickens safe,Try getting rid of anything that may look like a food source or something that smells like a food source,Because if that's attracting the hawk it may attract other birds.
2011-02-18 03:04:27 UTC
you cannot scare a killer bird away.

they have no fear and in my area they even attacked a kid by swwoping down and grabbing at her head.. the sizes of these redtails are postively enormous, imagine how many woodpeckers, chickadees and wild ducks they kill to propagate and produce more killer birds that infest another few miles of the entire USA and so on and so on.

of course the end result of what caused this wildbird extinction (releasing killer birds in cities decades ago) IS dramatic bird losses..

........ where I reside there were so many birds, and these were not just english sparrows or pigeons. We had hundreds of crows, so much chatter with bluejays, chicadees and juncos, woodpeckers of all sizes, those charming house finches, and even bluebirds seen in the fall in groupings. The songsparrows,, and scores of cardinals.......these are ALL gone now, and in their place today in the sky and tree I see hawks and falcons. And large black hawks, not just nearby but circling over all the towns the smaller falcons sitting on light posts along parkways.

YOU are not alone in recognizing the danger to your birds so you can defend them by caging them or they WILL be dead. think about it, soon the migration of birds begins, then just as last year the predator birds will be killing orioles once more as I witnessed last year (the one oriole family in a nearby parkland)

unfortunately for all others seeing the desolation in OUR parklands and backyards, it is too late to reverse the extinctions in progress. BUT protect the killer birds????????????????????????
Adamnwest Slapfrog
2011-02-17 19:09:14 UTC
your going to have to remove any thing that looks like food or like seeds corn or bird feed because if you have chicks and duckling/chickens and ducks then your problobly throwing them food out side so thats problobly attracting the hawk
2011-02-17 18:44:13 UTC

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