try your local Audubon chapter. call them and they will know. go to the Nautional Audobun society web page. (find local one)
they should be able to help you.
if not them, a vet can set the leg. if it is a wild adult bird it can be re-released. try to find a certified Avian Vet (they can be far away) or one that does exotic animals (like reptiles).
call emergency line, do not leave poor thing over-night if you can help it!
find a cage for it. feed it wild bird seed (black sunflower seeds) while you have it, with water, and leave it alone so it doesn't see humans cuz it will panic with humans. then let it go?
(to all you bird owners with your finger over the thumbs-down button: yes, i know a seed diet isn't good for birds. i have birds. i'm saying it can keep the bird alive while the leg heals. you don't wanna switch a wounded chickadee to Harrisons pellets, lol )
good luck to the little birdie! hurry!