I was just out feeding my horses and on my way out to my poultry barn I saw my Tom cat playing with something, I went over to see what he had as he get frogs and plays with them. So thinking he had a frog I went over to him, and to my surprise IT WAS A BABY ROBIN!!! It seems perfectly fine, and I feed him some of our chick starter mixed with water out of a syringe. I put it and with one of my female pigeons in a cage together, I'm Hoping she'll adopt him, She has taken in Morning dove and blue jay babies before (But she has had her own babies at the same time too). I knew i couldn't just let it there, as my tom cat would eat him in one bite. He could completely shreds squirrels, rabbits, frogs, and snakes to where you cant even tell what they were, a baby robin would be like a sitting duck. I just need to know what to feed him and how often and what to feed him in, should i keep feeding him out of the syringe? Do i need to put him under some sort of heat, if so how would i do this? I'd like to raise him till he can fly then release him. Im calling my bird sanctuary in the morning too get additional info, But for now PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!