how do i tell the sex of love birds apart from each other?
2006-03-21 11:43:36 UTC
how do i tell the sex of love birds apart from each other?
Eight answers:
2006-03-21 14:36:35 UTC
There is a very simple way and you dont need to spend the bucks to do a DNA testing. Locate where the pelvic bones are at(it is were the poop comes out) use the tip of your finger you will be able to feel the 2 bones, if they are far apart on the tip of your finger it is a girl, if the bones are very close together it is a male. Now where they are very young the bones will feel the same however as the female becomes sexually mature the bones will become father apart so the eggs can pass though. Hope this helps you.
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2006-03-21 14:37:35 UTC
Some visual differences between the sexes are: hens tend to have a wider stance on the perch, hens tend to be a bit larger, hens have wider pelvic bones that can be felt (gently!!) with an index finger. The pelvic bones of the hen also tend to move a bit when felt, which makes it easier for eggs to pass.
Also, when you put nesting material in a cage, both hens and cocks will shred the material, but hens will tuck the material under their wings to take them to the nesting box. Males will try to do this, usually unsuccessfully.
raven blackwing
2006-03-21 15:29:27 UTC
You can't but a vet or trained bird keeper can.
2006-03-21 12:03:15 UTC
Lovebirds can be sexed by a dna feather test but they are about 100.00. If you catch them mating or if they lay eggs.
Tommy D
2006-03-21 11:53:24 UTC
lovebirds are not sexually dimorhpic (they all look the same) the only way it through dna sexing.
or pair two up and see if ya get little birdies
2006-03-21 11:45:18 UTC
i have no idea l00k & c wish 1 has the eggs lol
2006-03-21 11:58:30 UTC
If you have several in a cage, they will pair up themselves.