2010-01-23 14:49:45 UTC
1. Attract alot of crows by leaving a handful of dry dog food out in the yard or around the neighborhood. (Crows constantly watch, harrass, & give away the hawks hiding location making it uncomfortable for the hawk to study up a strategy to ambush your birds.)
2. Decoy owls or Toy owls.
(Hawks & Owls do not get along. Move the decoy owl once every 2 weeks just a few yards.) But decoy owls only works on inexperienced hawks or falcons. The hawks that has had past experiences with toy owls will know it, like crows using scarecrows as perch.
3. Glueing or nail 2 cd's onto a board and draw a beak underneath it to make it look like huge wide scary eyes laring.
( Hawks hates being seen or looked at. Anyone who has a staring problem wants to fight or is going to attack.)
4. Mirrors & mirror balls.
( This only works in the begginning of the migration when hawks migrates back & hurries to claim hunting territory or land. He see's his own reflection & thinks he is intruding on the resident hawk's already occupied land, & will fly off to avoid fighting & risk fatal injury.)
5. Be out there.
( Hawks are shy of humans )
6. illegally trap & release.
( This is only done when the resident Hawk continues to be a pest, even with all the deterents put out in the yard, after you've studied his favorite attacking direction or ambushing strategies & have faced all the mirrors, cd's, & toy owls towards that direction. Trap the hawk but make sure it's the resident hawk & not an intruder hawk, imprison him for 2 days, spray him with water because raptors hates getting wet, shout at him, bang the cage with the toy owl, show him the 2 cd's & poke him with a soft point stick. After 2 days release him, wet. It's a bad idea to kill because a new hawk will take over the unocuppied land & now you will have study or learn another new predator's character.)
Will any of this work. Has anyone tried it? Any new ideas?